604-674-8755 info@ilslaw.ca

Tax Debt

In Canada, individuals who have significant tax debt are advised to seek legal advice from an insolvency professional immediately after they are aware that they will not be in a position to repay the tax debt. Debtors are often shocked at how quickly a tax debt increases in value once interest and penalties are included. There are legal strategies available to debtors that can lead to an overall reduction in the tax debt provided debtors seek professional help as soon as they learn of tax debt that they cannot pay in full.

Bonita’s understanding of the tax system has allowed her to identify strategies to help tax debtors resolve tax disputes. Some of these strategies will not be available if a tax debtor delays contacting her to discuss their situation.

An example of how Bonita Lewis-Hand was able to assist a tax debtor resolve her tax debt is described on our Case Studies page.